Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Dirt - October Issue


Something very exciting happened last week for all of us at Dos Gringos. It was so successful we hope to make it an annual affair each fall season.

At Gringo Farms, a separate trial farm we have created in Rancho Santa Fe, CA where we can test new varieties and hold off-site brainstorming sessions with team members and clients alike, we conducted a week of Sunflower pack trials and tests with a number of different customers. We had seeds from hybridizers in the United States, Japan and Israel, and we displayed 20 different beds of Sunflower varieties – everything from natural white to bi-color to lemon Teddy Bears to some of the commercial varieties.
On this farm we also have about 50 varieties of perennials from Protea to Safari Sunset and use this area as a demonstration garden to teach team members and clients about how the elements we use in bouquets actually grow in the field.

Best of all, we sat around the kitchen table with fresh morning muffins or an afternoon lunch and we talked. We asked buyers and directors of marketing about issues, concerns and day-to-day operations, and we learned more about what we can do to serve everyone better. I think we all agreed that speed and color are the two most important things for Dos Gringos to work on with our hybridizers. Rest assured we will do just that.

I was amazed and humbled by the willingness of these customers to come in and be part of the process and then to agree to test certain varieties in their marketplace. It takes 12 years to bring a new variety to market. Clearly that’s a long time. And there’s a lot of sophisticated science involved. If we can continue to get customers in on the ground floor to provide feedback and to test ideas and trends out with their own customers, that’s huge.

So a big “Thank you” goes out today from Dos Gringos to all of its visitors last week. I wish we could have had every single client come through, but we will catch you next time. Until we visit in person, keep letting us know what we can do to help!

On the personal side, I’m enjoying coaching little Jack’s 4-year-old soccer team. The Blasters are now 4-0 (although we’re not supposed to keep score). Jack has two goals for the season and couldn’t be more thrilled. Annie, 8, is busy with soccer, Brownies, YMCA Adventure Guides and reading anything she can get her hands on. Right now it’s Frankenstein, of course. Melissa is busy keeping us all on track and volunteer teaching at the El Camino Creek School. As for me, I embarrassingly celebrate a milestone birthday 10/7 that I find very depressing. Most of you have known me since I was 22 and just starting out and you know how many years ago that was. Take care. Be well.


Jason Levin President & Chief Gringo