Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Dirt - September 2014


The students are back in school and we, at Dos Gringos, are back to work in full force.  We are enthusiastic about our fascinating fall line up and we want to help you put them on every autumn table in North America.

Pumpkin Trees are here!  This funky, orange relative of the eggplant family is one of our most popular fall items!  These tall stems of mini-pumpkins are a great conversation piece as a stand-alone item in a vase and also add a true sense of fall when included in our bouquets.  Hurry!  Pumpkin Trees do not last long.  Check out Pumpkin Trees in action in our lobby.



We grow our African Marigolds in two colors:  vibrant yellow and deep orange.  The official flower of Dia De Los Muertos really helps our fall bouquet line up shine. Did you know wineries plant Marigolds to ward of pests, big and small?  Even the deer despise them, but we don’t because they make our fall bouquets pop.
Check out some examples below and to the left.

Speaking of wine….Safari Sunset’s deep wine color is another enhancement to our fall bouquets.  The flowers are actually a cone surrounded by large, burgundy bracts – much like bougainvillea.  They are one of the oldest known flowers and even look great when dried.

Stop by and see us in our “California Backyard” themed booth (#4374) at the Produce Marketing Association show running October 18th and 19th.  There you will get the opportunity to preview some innovative, new products scheduled for release in 2015.  (Almost here!)  We will also be featuring the new designs for our very popular Mason Jar line and our best-selling Bright and Beautiful bouquet.
So stop by, we’d love to catch up with you.


