Friday, July 12, 2013

The Dirt - Happy Independence Day!

Dos Gringos - The Dirt, December 2012 Issue


A belated “Happy Independence Day” to all. The first week in July is always a great time to enjoy the sights and sounds of summer and stay up way too late too many nights in a row. I hope all of you were able to do whatever you wanted over the long weekend.

It’s no surprise that the Dos Gringos Team loves getting out to visit our clients and to see their facilities and operations firsthand. There simply is no substitute for seeing for ourselves how you receive, handle and distribute the items you purchase from us. Unless we live it with you, even if it’s just for a very brief time, we can’t truly partner with you to develop the best possible relationship and end-to-end experience. We typically fill our summers with road – and air – trips, and 2013 is no exception. I’ve got at least one visit to the East Coast on my calendar for Late July and I never miss a chance to see our flowers in stores.

If you’re one of the clients we had the privilege of interacting with in May or June, thank you for your hospitality and friendship.  Thank you for giving so generously of your time and talent. We are waayyyyy better when we work together!

In July we welcome the chance to do some hosting ourselves. Several visits to Vista are on the calendar, and I can’t wait. There’s a bit of an updated look to Dos Gringos that I think you’ll appreciate. I like to think of it as “productive down time:” a chance to catch your breath a little, to pay close attention to your imagination, and to figure out – together – what’s next. Last summer I told you how hard Robin Mooney, Gabe Gill, and our architectural experts were working on the “Idea Lab.” That dream has largely come to life, and the Design Center is a unique space dedicated to innovation. The brainstorming area is a highlight of course – there truly is no such thing as a bad idea or a dumb question -- but we’ve also made sure to include everything else you’ll need to see your big ideas through: bouquets, vases, sleeves, every raw material we could think of.  And we don’t stop there...You want to know how all of this is going to look and perform on display, right?  No worries. We’ll send you home with a high-resolution photo that will continue to inspire you and your team and encourage you to brainstorm further.


When your tour takes you to the production floor, you’ll see a redesign meant to eliminate bottlenecks in product handling and to keep productivity at its highest levels.  The Operations Team has led the charge to install new racks that are helping decrease mechanical damage as well as a higher-speed, automated wet pack machine. My hat is most definitely off to all the Team Members in Operations.  
Mason jar arrangements and our summer-themed mugs filled with the best of the season continue to exceed our expectations, but we'll bug you about that later.
For now, check some of these out above!
