Friday, December 12, 2014

Hola, and Happy Holidays to all! On behalf of the entire Dos Gringos Team, I wish you and yours a warm, wonderful season filled with joy and flowers!

Our glad tidings are arriving a little later in the month than I prefer, as we have been nose to the grindstone since winter arrived. The team and I decided to hit the road this month to catch up in person with clients in New York, Ohio, California, Utah and Illinois. Conversations have been incredibly productive, and our team is bringing back plenty of confidence to hit the ground running with in 2015.  This experience will offer improvements and initiatives aimed at client satisfaction for the entire year.. 

I shared much of your feedback with the Dos Gringos team when we gathered on December 11th for our annual Holiday Luncheon and Town Hall Meeting here in the Design Studio. I assure you that each team member is inspired and excited to do whatever it takes to enhance the experience of working at Dos Gringos and with you.  This includes ensuring that their work supports our strategic pillars of People, Freshness, Innovation, and Growth. We also spent time recognizing the hard work and highlights of 2014, which include:



Look for us in early 2015 to make strides in streamlining and accelerating the flower flow process from Ranch to Retail:

-  Optimizing our logistics resources
-  Minimizing production dips
-  Increasing our product development pipeline for new seeds and designs. 

Your input and feedback on any or all these are welcome and appreciated.
Until then, enjoy friends and family and try to sneak in at least a little R&R.
Happy New Year!


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