Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I’ve always believed that a little luck goes a long way – but it’s up to us to make the most of it! I hope you get your share of good fortune in this month of spring and renewal.

One of the most significant things Dos Gringos has never left to chance is the deliberate decision to not be a flower broker. With the variety of roles and players in this industry, it’s easy to forget who’s who and what’s what, but distinction and nuance matters – especially for you, our clients.
We are the first, middle, and last part of the chain that makes up the flower-buying experience. This means there’s never a middle man when you work with Dos Gringos. We are our own research and development experts. We own the seed, we own the production and we own the assembly facilities where your bouquets are made.  We’re committed to regular, relevant innovations that drive quality up and costs down. We also own the responsibility for mistakes – we are people first, and people mess up -- and we take great pride in making things right when they occur. The buck truly does stop right here and right with me.
As we continue our quest to bring smiles to millions, we continue to stand behind the pillars that have supported our growth to date: People, Freshness, and Innovation. The idea is simple – build a great team of forward-thinking professionals committed to delivering the freshest, most reasonably priced flowers and greens on the planet – but it’s not easy. We “get after it” every single day, and agility and evolution are key. It’s my responsibility to ask the right people to do the right things and then thank and reward them for excellence.
When I became owner and chief gringo over 20 years ago, we harvested 100 Sunflowers a day. Today we harvest 100,000 daily. That says a lot about the desire to spread smiles and good cheer, not just on the part of my team but on the part of people in general. There’s a demand for flowers; we need to keep making them fresher and more convenient so more and more people can share the love. It’s a great reason for showing up to work each day!
Dos Gringos was proud, to again, be a sponsor for the Fifth Annual Chelsea's RunCharity Fundraiser this past weekend.

The Sunflower ~ It is resilient, it is bright and always follows the sun. It stands out in a crowd. It is surprising, towers over others in uniqueness and splendor, and the closer you look, the more amazing its depth and beauty. Chelsea’s favorite flower, theSunflower has come to symbolize the light and hope that continue to shine brightly.  We were glad to donate 2,500 of them to brighten the run!
with Marco Rivera
On a less happy note, I regret to inform all of our clients that Marco Rivera, Director of Sales, has decided to seize an interesting opportunity to work in a different industry. We will miss his expertise and his passion for keeping Dos Gringos “Different by Design.” He was kind enough to share a few parting thoughts that I think say a lot about who Dos Gringos is and what we’ll continue to be.
Q. Best Lesson Learned?
A. “The number of things that must go right for the end consumer to have a great experience is mind-boggling. There are so many outstanding people in the floral industry -- and at Dos Gringos -- who have made it their life’s work to optimize each and every touch point. It’s impressive and humbling.”
Q. Perspective on Pillars:
A. “Dos Gringos gets it right by putting people first. With everything I’ve seen, done, and learned, it’s the relationships I’ll remember and cherish most. Colleagues become friends, and teammates become family. People first – all the way, all the time.”
Q. I Won’t Miss:
A. “Mother Nature! Extreme and unexpected changes in the weather are no friend of the industry. I look forward to ignoring the weather forecast.”
In Closing...?
“Thank you for all of the great memories. I will truly miss DG and every relationship I developed.”
Right back at you, Marco.
We will miss your steady leadership and perspective and hope to stay in touch.

Mother’s Day will be here before we know it. Right now all crops and specialty items are looking great, so please let us know what you’ll need.

Happy Easter! Happy Passover!
This letter began with a leprechaun and ends with a bunny.
Life is good…but it’s definitely better with flowers!

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